Wednesday, December 3, 2008

December Player of the Month: Travis Reynolds

Although Travis has only been performing with ComedySportz for about a year and a half, he has proved to be a crowd favorite time and time again. We sat down with Mr. Reynolds to get a little depth into his improv life.

Player Since: 2007
Day Job: High School Teacher
Hometown: Orlando, FL
Favorite thing about CSz: Entertaining people
When no one is looking you like to: Read or cook. I am a pretty quiet guy when nobody is around.
Biggest Influences: Family, 10 of us and each has had an unique impact on my life.
Best Advice for People Who want to Learn Improv: Laugh at yourself and be confident even in the most awkward moments.

Were you always funny growing up?
As a young man I was constantly trying to make people laugh. It was a real high for me to see people smile and be entertained. I was eccentric and over-the-top goofy at times but it taught me to take life one laugh at a time. As a bragging point, I was named "Most Funny" in my graduating class in high school. That being said, I believe the question answers itself.

What is the biggest sturggle for you in improv (if there is one)? The theatrical side of improv is my biggest struggle. I love to be funny but improv has taught me that funny is often found when you aren't even trying for it. Creating a believable and lovable story in an improv scene is equal in importance to the comedic quality of the scene.

Who influences you the most at CSz? One of my favorite aspects of this type of comedy is the diversity of comedic styles. Every show is a new experience and new opportunity to learn or observe something from my fellow ComedySportz players. Each of us contributes his or her own version of funny and, when the chemistry is just right, it makes for brilliant moments of comic genius.

What type of games do you enjoy the most (you can name some specifically)? I really enjoy character games, music games, and two team games. I don't believe there is one specific game which I enjoy more than any other. Improv comedy has a way of changing your view on a particular game; one night it is harmoniously hilarious and the next night the audience is on the edge of shouting expletives and voting Democratic.

You have been sighted as a Will Ferrell look-a-like/act-a-like. How does that make you feel? I consider Will Ferrell one of the premier names in comedy in the last several years and am certainly flattered if a person compliments me by my similarity to him. Although I admire and respect his comedy, I never think about him or attempt to mimic his style during the shows. I guess we share a common interpretation of what is funny and deliver our comedy accordingly.

Does teaching have an affect on your improvising and vice versa?
Teaching certainly builds a comfort with being in front of groups and develops your improv skills and wit. I humbly believe if I am funny enough to entertain a crowd of ornery, hormonal, and extremely critical teenagers I should be able to get a chuckle out of just about any crowd. I love my profession as an educator and have found comedy and laughter to be key ingredients in reaching a teenage audience and creating a meaningful relationship with my students.

Anything else you'd like to add?
I love the people who visit ComedySportz and share their time with us. It is a jealous pleasure of mine to be on stage, but without the kind, friendly people who allow us to entertain them it would be a rather boring business. So, thanks.

Thanks YOU, Travis.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

ComedySportz LA vs Provo

November 21st and 22nd marked a day in CSz Utah history.
Three performers from ComedySportz LA challenged Provo to a comedy battle that couldn't be refused.
D, Myles, and Andre (left to right red-LA) took on
Mark Berrett, Jeff Blake, and Matt Mattson
(left to right blue) Friday night
and Mike Bailey, Will Rubio, and Jake Van Wagoner on Saturday night.
From their foriegn games like Triple Feature, and Timeline, to our signatures such as Boo-Yea!, and Hey Baby, both nights were filled with laughs and holly geez moments that only a group from LA could deliver.
We are deeply honored to have such talented people visit the valley.
Until next time LA, keep on entertaining and
may the improv be with you.