Casey's been with CSz since 2000, making her one of our veteran players. Fun, funny and always willing to take risks, Casey is an amazing artist who works full time for Disney designing video games and recently illustrated her first childrens' book,
The Boy Who Ate America. She took a little time out of her insanely hectic schedule to answer a few questions for us.
How did you get involved with CSz?
Zach Coder, a friend of mine who was a CSz player at the time, saw me trip at an FHE activity. I can't remember the details, but knowing me, after I tripped I probably bowed saying "Thank you, thank you very much." All I remember was that he said that was funny and that ComedySportz didn't have anyone who lacked grace. I fit the bill.
I still fall down a lot. Last night I went disco skating. It was crazy.
Beside your tripping prowess, have you had any prior experience with comedy?
I grew up a Navy Brat. I moved around a lot. . . 28 houses so far. I went to 6 different elementary schools and learned that kids liked funny kids who could draw. So I was the resident comedian on the playground. That, and the occasional bad date primed me for comedy.
What was your first initial experience with CSz? Did you see a show? Did you just know CSz players? Did you just do the workshops?
I would go with friends back in the day when CSz at the Hale Center Theater in Orem and thought there were some hotties in the troupe. Shortly after, I was in the workshops.
What were the workshops like for you? Scary? Fun? Strangely familiar?
A little of all of the above. Scary to sing on demand, fun to do scene work and guessing, and strangely familiar when the things I learned were clicking. I think for the most part, they were great for my confidence. I'm a much better speaker and teacher because of them.
What are some of your favorite memories of CSz?
So many! Like the time Rob Wessman, Trent Krummenacher and I were doing a scene and someone spilled a vase. The game within the game was all of us stepping over the vase... Also the time when Scott and Drew Champion sang "A Whole New World" one word at a time for a good five minutes--it was beautiful...When Martha Donbrosky and I were the last two on Story and we were the same brain... Trent being that British safari guy... Patrick Livingston whipping out his fake tooth after he got hit... Joseph's rubber boy... Oh, Matt Clayton's clearly audible laugh whenever we say something funny onstage... Getting kissed by 2 of the 3 Quinn brothers onstage... And always the warm-up games Hot Lava, Enemy Defender, Everyone But Montage.
Share with us a time you got a laugh or you did something you knew was brilliant.
Randy Tayler and I were in a musical. I was being forced to marry my uncle. All of the other problems were resolved and we were singing the closing number. . . The group ended with "Life is great, it's not that bad" and I rhymed it with "But I still have to marry the brother of my dad." End scene.
I can't think of too many brilliant moments of mine. One time, I came out with a perfect Australian accent and surprised myself and Curt Doussett. Never happened again.
You started performing in Provo, but when the Salt Lake club opened you performed there quite regularly. (The SL club closed in 2006.) What was the difference between the Provo club and the SL club?
In Provo, I was one of the new kids for a long time. In Salt Lake, I was considered a veteran. It was cool being in both situations; one was such a learning experience and the other allowed me to develop those skills and help others. That, and the fact that it only took me a few minutes to get to the Salt Lake Club was nice. Provo is quite a field trip.
What's it like now when you perform in Provo?
There are a lot of new players I haven't really worked with who seem like they're a lot of fun. . . So, I'm a veteran and a girl. It's a lot more relaxed for me now than before because I'm more confident in myself, the other players, and the games.
Do you think it's harder for females to do improv? Why or why not?
Hmm. Tough question. I think women are as funny as men. We just have to do different things to get a laugh. Women don't get laughed at when we put on a mustache and trousers but every time a man dons a wig and muumuu, he's hilarious. We have different ammo. I can't tell you what it is though. Trade secret.
Have you ever had a time where you were like, this is it. I'm quitting?
Yes. I was performing every weekend along with working two other jobs. It stopped feeling fun and felt like work. I left for a while, but never quit. . . But I'm back now. It's fun again.
What gets your creative juices flowing?
Diet Coke. Disneyland. A good kiss by a non-creepy boy. New shoes. Fitting into a pair of pants that I couldn't fit into the month earlier. Any song by the Shins.
Why do you do ComedySportz?
At first I did CSz because it was fun. Now, I've realized that not only is it fun, but it helps me a lot with the other things I do in life. Performing wipes away any public speaking fears one may have and the games keep me sharp so I can write and stay clever. I notice a big difference when I'm not performing.
1 comment:
Bravo! Bravo for Casey! Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Yahoo!
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